The Future Of Writing… AI Writers

Jai Sloper
Tech 101
Published in
4 min readApr 9, 2022


Source: Pexels

Now the title may raise the question, “will AI take over human jobs?”, obviously yes at some point they will take over all human jobs, but have they already started?!

To see if AI has taken over some human jobs we will let AI write the rest of this article. So from this point on it is all AI.

The Future Of Writing… AI Writers

Today’s digital world is home to a new breed of writer. The rise of digital publishing has given everyone access to extensive writing platforms and content creation tools. However, not everyone has the innate ability to write effectively. Therefore, there has been a need to automate the process of writing. That’s where artificial intelligence (AI) comes in.

AI writers are tools that automate the writing process. They help users with difficult or time-consuming tasks. Rather than hiring writers, you can simply assign their tasks to the AI writers. The end result is more time to focus on other aspects of your business. Here’s what you need to know about AI writers.

How AI Writers Work

AI writers work by analyzing the content you’ve written. There are a couple of ways they can do this. First, AI writers can read your text as you type it. They can also scan your content and identify patterns.

Once the AI writers establish a grasp on your writing style, they can turn their attention to your data. They will use structured data, natural language processing, and other tools to understand and write in your specific language.

Types of AI Writers

There are two types of AI writers. One-Way AI writers only write, and you only read. They can be programmed to write in any style and can create content for any topic. Two-Way AI writers can communicate with each other. They can transfer data and receive instructions from each other.

Good Reasons to Use AI Writers

AI writers can be helpful in a lot of ways. First, they save a lot of time. If you’ve ever tried to write a blog post, you’re probably familiar with the struggle. The process of writing often takes hours, even days. AI writers can write hundreds of blog posts a month while still spending time with family and friends.

Second, AI writers are scalable. This means you don’t have to hire writers, find content, and manage everything themselves. You can simply use AI writers to generate content. You can also assign different types of writing to meet your needs.

Cons of AI Writers

While AI writers are great for managing content, you might want to try a different approach. AI writers can only write. They can’t help with marketing, sales, or customer support. In some cases, they can’t even write the content they generate.

That means you’ll have to manage marketing, sales, and customer support alongside the AI writers. When you add these responsibilities on top of your other tasks, you might find yourself overwhelmed.

Plus, AI writers can only generate content. They can’t help you think of new ideas for your business.

Final Words

AI writers are a great tool for managing content. They can write from any topic, in any style, and gain a grasp on your language. The only issue is they can’t help you with marketing, sales, or customer support.

If you’re looking for content, AI writers are a great choice. They can generate a lot of content for you.

However, if you want marketing, sales, or customer support, AI writers might not be the best choice.

You can also try using customer support bots and customer support IVR. These bots can respond to emails and support tickets. They can also help you understand your product and make purchasing decisions.

Final Word

AI writers are a great tool for managing content. They can generate a lot of content for you. However, they can’t help you with marketing, sales, or customer support. If you’re looking for content, AI writers are a great choice. They can generate a lot of content for you.

However, if you want marketing, sales, or customer support, AI writers might not be the best choice. You can also try using customer support bots and customer support IVR. These bots can respond to emails and support tickets. They can also help you understand your product and make purchasing decisions.

Back To Humans

Ok everyone that is the end of what the AI wrote and honestly I made this whole article in about 5 minutes, again thanks to the AI, so I actually think this is the way of the future.


I’ve just decided to let AI write my next 5 articles, so I don’t know what they’ll be about but if you have read this whole article and are seeing this then in 5 articles I’ll make a report on how the 5 articles compared to my normal articles. And as always, have a good day :)



Jai Sloper
Tech 101

I have a passion for coding and I know several languages JavaScript, Python, C#, HTML, php, css and many more, now I want to share my knowledge with everyone.